SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Educators NTS Application Form Online: Punjab Educators jobs advertisements are published on Pakistani different English and Urdu newspaper. Well educated jobs seekers those who want to join Pakistan GOVT Education School department as an Educator, they will get big job opportunity till 04th December, 2024. Applicants last date of SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Educators NTS application form submission is 04th December, 2024. SESE Senior Elementary School Educator posts vacancies are open for Male and Female candidates. Senior Elementary School Educator post educational eligibility Criteria, Last Date of Application form submission date, written test date and application form downloading are most important details. Following details are best reading material for SESE Jobs applicants.
SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Educators NTS Application Form Online
Educator Jobs Department Name:
- Punjab School Education Department— all Educators jobs requirements procedure will complete under the Punjab GOVT Educators Requirements law rules and regulation
NTS Punjab Educators Test Sample Papers Download
SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Posts Names:
- SESE Jobs English
- SESE Urdu
- SESE Math
- SESE Science
- SESE Arabic
- SESE Computer Science
SESE Senior Elementary School Educator Posts Eligibility Criteria 2024-2018:
- SESE English posts eligibility Criteria BA English with 200 Marks and English Literature 200 Marks or — Those applicants who are passed their degree in MA English or Master of teaching English second Language they can also submit their NTS SESE jobs application form
- SESE Urdu eligibility criteria is Master Degree In URDU—SESE Match posts eligibility criteria is BSC in Match A, Match B, Match , Physics, Computer and Chemistry —- BS Engineering or NS Hons with MSC Match Physics applicants also apply their application for SESE Math pots
- SESE Science, SESE Arabic, SESE PET, SESE DM and SESE Computer Science eligibility criteria details is printed on SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Educators Jang Newspaper advertisement
- Punjab Educators Jobs 2024-2018 Advertisement ESE, SESE, SSE
- Punjab Educators Jobs Application Form 2024-2018
- ESE Jobs In Punjab 2024-2018 NTS Educators
- SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Educators NTS
- SSE Jobs In Punjab 2024-2018 NTS Application
- NTS Educators Jobs Advertisement 2024-2018
Application for SESE Jobs:
Last Date For SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Application form Submission:
- 04th December, 2024
NTS Application form Submission Procedure for SESE Jobs in Punjab 2024-2018 Educators:
- Download application form— fill application form — submit application form fee in Bank— send all document Attested Copies, Application form and Fee Deposit slip on NTS Headquarter 1-E Street Number 46 Sector 1-8/2 Islamabad